NewsIcebirdCoder's RevengeFilezIcebird featuring Coder's Revenge
newsfile                       _________________                      00/09/04
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                           i · C · E · B · i · R · D

                               acorn demo server


Icebird announces 6502/65816 disassembler mode for !Zap

An extension mode for the famous Zap editor featuring 6502/65816 disassembling
will be released soon. It will work in 5 different disassembling modes:

- 6502 CPU with C64 memory mapping
- 6502 CPU with NES memory mapping
- 65816 SNES LoROM memory mapping
- 65816 SNES HiROM memory mapping
- 65816 C64 SuperCPU

snapshot of the mode in action.

Other Zap disassembling modes for Pentium, Z80, MIPS and SH4 will follow.


©2000 Icebird Acorn Produxions